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  • Writer's pictureGenahrie & Me

Have a G.R.E.A.T Day!

Psalm 118:24 (ESV)

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Oftentimes we dread the idea of seeing a new day especially if there is something ahead that may cause us to be anxious or agitated. Let me inform you this is a tactic the enemy will use to keep us distracted and operating with a defeatist mindset. The encouragement is for us to intentionally reshape the way we think about each day we are afforded to be alive. From here on out, when you wake up, decide that will be a great day. The first and apparent reason that the day will be great is that fact that you are alive! As we allow God to navigate us through this season in history, we are to do our part and wake up with a grateful attitude. Understand that life is going to be just that…..LIFE! It will have its ebbs and flows but the just like the ocean, it will remain to authenticate its purpose on Earth.

What does it mean to have a G.R.E.A.T day? It’s actually quite simple.

G.R.E.A.T is equivalent to this thought….Get Really Excited About Today! You might say there is nothing to be excited about. Oh, I beg to differ. Even if you don’t see it yet, get excited about the possibilities. Get excited about not allowing events from the past to overtake you and leaving despondent. Get excited about the fact that God created and purposed you to be here to be a blessing to others. Get excited about the fact that God loves you unconditionally!

Repeat this as often as you need to……I’m going to have a G.R.E.A.T DAY!!!!

Blessings from Genahrie


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